The role of automobile oil cooler

1. Since the engine oil has thermal conductivity and circulates continuously in the engine, the oil cooler cools the engine crankcase, clutch, valve components, etc. Even for water-cooled engines, only the cylinder head and cylinder wall can be cooled by water, and other parts still rely on the oil cooler for cooling.

2. The main materials of the product include metal materials such as aluminum, copper, stainless steel, and castings. After welding or assembly, the hot side channel and the cold side channel are connected to form a complete heat exchanger.

3. At the beginning, the engine oil temperature rises quickly, and there is a time difference for the oil to transfer heat to the engine casing. During this time difference, the oil cooler has already taken effect. At this time, you will feel very warm when you touch the engine casing with your hand, and you will feel that it is good and effective. After the engine has been running for a long time, the vehicle speed has also increased, and the oil cooler has reached the best working condition. At this time, the engine casing temperature has risen to a relatively high level. Quickly touch the engine casing and you will find that it is very hot but not the kind that you can't touch it. At the same time, the oil cooler temperature is also very high. This situation shows that the thermal process has been balanced. The wind cooling and heat conduction process of the motorcycle's driving speed have been balanced and will not increase the temperature. At this time, the temperature is divided into two: 1. The temperature of the oil 2. The temperature of the engine casing. The former is higher than the latter. When there is no oil cooler and no oil cooler is installed, in the same process as above, you will find that the temperature of the engine rises very quickly at the beginning, and the engine casing is almost untouchable in a short time. After a long time of driving, you dare not touch the temperature of the engine casing with your hand, even for a very short time. The method we usually use to judge is to sprinkle some water on the engine casing and hear a squeaking sound It means that the temperature of the engine casing has exceeded 120 degrees.

4. Function: It is mainly used for cooling engine lubricating oil or fuel of vehicles, engineering machinery, ships, etc. The hot side of the product is lubricating oil or fuel, and the cold side can be cooling water or air. During the driving process of the vehicle, the lubricating oil in the major lubrication systems relies on the power of the oil pump to pass through the hot side channel of the oil cooler to transfer the heat to the cold side of the oil cooler, while the cooling water or cold air takes away the heat through the cold side channel of the oil cooler, realizing the heat exchange between the cold and hot fluids, ensuring that the lubricating oil is at the most suitable working temperature. Including the cooling of engine lubricating oil, automatic transmission lubricating oil, power steering lubricating oil, etc.
