aluminium sheet

Aluminum plate is the thickness of 0.2mm above to 500mm below,200mm width above, length of 16m aluminum material called aluminum plate or aluminum sheet,0.2mm below for aluminum,200mm width within the row or strip (of course, with the progress of large equipment, the widest can do 600mm aluminum plate is also more).

Aluminum plate is a rectangular plate rolled and processed with aluminum ingot, which is divided into pure aluminum plate, alloy aluminum plate, thin aluminum plate, medium thickness aluminum plate and decorative aluminum plate

Aluminum plates are usually divided into the following two types:

1. By alloy composition:

High purity aluminum plate (made of high purity aluminum with a content of 99.9 or more)

Pure aluminum plate (basically rolled from pure aluminum)

Alloy aluminum plate (composed of aluminum and auxiliary alloys, usually aluminum copper, aluminum manganese, aluminum silicon, aluminum magnesium, etc.)

Composite aluminum plate or brazing plate (special purpose aluminum plate material obtained by means of composite of multiple materials)

Aluminum coated aluminum plate (aluminum plate coated with thin aluminum plate for special purposes)

2. By thickness :(in mm)

aluminum sheet 0.15-2.0

Conventional aluminum sheet 2.0-6.0

aluminum plate 6.0-25.0

aluminum plate 25-200 super thick plate more than 200

Purpose of use

1. Lighting 2, solar reflector 3, architectural appearance 4, interior decoration: ceiling, walls, etc. 5, furniture, cabinets 6, elevator 7, signs, nameplates, bags 8, car interior and exterior decoration 9. Interior decoration: such as picture frame 10. Household appliances: refrigerator, microwave oven, audio equipment, etc. 11. Aerospace and military aspects, such as China's large aircraft manufacturing, Shenzhou spacecraft series, satellites and so on. 12, mechanical parts processing 13, mold manufacturing 14, chemical/thermal insulation pipe coating. 15. High quality ship board

Care and maintenance

The specific cleaning steps of aluminum plate are as follows:

1. Rinse the surface of the board with plenty of water first;

2. Use a soft cloth soaked in water diluted detergent to gently wipe the surface of the board;

3. Rinse the board with a lot of water to wash away the dirt;

4. Check the surface of the board and focus on cleaning the places that are not cleaned with detergent;

5. Rinse the board with water until all the detergent is washed away.

Note: Do not clean the hot board surface (temperature over 40 °C), because the rapid evaporation of water is harmful to the board baking paint!

In particular, please choose the right detergent. A basic principle is: be sure to choose neutral detergent! Do not use strong alkaline detergents such as potassium HYDROXIDE, SODIUM hydroxide or sodium carbonate, strong acid detergents, abrasive detergents and paint dissolving detergents.
