Car Radiator: What’s The function, How It Works, and How To Maintain

Car Radiator: What’s The function, How It Works, and How To Maintain

Cars are vehicles that we use for daily activities, making it to require well maintenance so that it can function optimally. Many car parts must be cared for by car owners so that the condition of the car can remain good. One of the parts that you must take care of is the car radiator.

Regarding car radiators, this article will discuss its function, how it works, along with how to maintain car engine components so that you can take good care of them.

Below is a further explanation of car radiators so that you can be more familiar with this car component.

The place where combustion occurs in the cars so that these four-wheeled vehicles can have power is known as a car engine. Combustion carried out in this car engine can cause continual rise in the temperature for as long as the engine is used. If you drive for a long period of time, your car’s engine temperature will become very high.

It is important, therefore, for your car to have a cooling system so that the temperature inside the engine can be controlled and overheating can be avoided. Radiator is a tool that can be used to transfer the heat of a car engine into the air. In the radiator there is a water called coolant which will run in the channels installed around the engine.

This fluid works by absorbing the heat in the engine and bringing it back to the radiator. The water will be cooled down in the radiator and dissipate the heat from the engine into the air outside.

Car Radiator: What’s The function, How It Works, and How To Maintain

Car Radiator: What’s The function, How It Works, and How To Maintain
